PLTW Gateway (6-8)
Middle school is a time of exploration, a time when students are figuring out what they’re passionate about today and how that relates to who they’ll become tomorrow.
During this transitional time in students’ lives, PLTW Gateway sparks a joy of discovery and illuminates the range of paths and possibilities they can look forward to in high school and beyond. The program’s hands-on projects in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science boost classroom engagement and excitement, support student-led learning and teamwork, and inspire “aha! moments” and deep comprehension.
By tackling pressing challenges like designing tires for a moon rover, cleaning up an oil spill, or solving a fictional crime, students learn to test their limits and question what’s possible. As students learn how things work and apply what they know to address challenges, questions like “When am I ever going to use this?” disappear from the classroom. By challenging themselves to rework and refine their projects, PLTW Gateway students learn that both failed attempts and persistence are key to learning and innovation.
PLTW helps to build a strong foundation for high school, college, and career. Each PLTW Gateway unit engages students in activities that not only build knowledge and skills in areas including computer science, engineering, and biomedical science, but also empowers students to develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance.