School Boundaries
The area served by Goddard Public Schools is basically bounded by Central Ave. on the north, Tyler Rd. on the east (in Wichita), 55th St. on the south, and 247th St. on the west, in rural Sedgwick County.
Please contact the Goddard Public Schools Transportation Department at 316-794-4291 or with any school boundary questions, or use maps below for an approximate reference.
To get an exact determination of which school your child(ren) will attend, please complete the following steps:
1.) Visit the Sedgwick County Mobile Land Records website here:
2.) Select the Layer List option in the upper, right corner of the page.
3.) From that list, select the Schools checkbox and dropdown menu (to show the options below). Feel free at this point to zoom in to the "USD 265 Goddard" area of the map.
4.) Then select Elementary Attendance, Middle School Attendance, or High School Attendance (depending on the grade level you're inquiring about).
5.) At this point, enter your exact residential address into the search box in the upper, left corner of the map. Then, the map will zoom in to your area, and will show which school encompasses your residence.
Grades K-4 School Boundary Map

Grades 5-12 School Boundary Map